
The Bible and the Closet: or How We May Read the Scriptures with the Most Spiritual Profit; and Secret Prayer Successfully Managed is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Bible and the Closet contains two works by Puritan Nonconformist ministers of England who were ejected in 1662. It was put together by John Overton Choules in 1842 for the education of American Puritans on their own history. The first is Thomas Watson’s How We May Read the Scriptures with the Most Spiritual Profit, and the second is Samuel Lee’s Secret Prayer Successfully Managed. This volume...

in reading? While his eye is upon the Bible, his heart is upon the world; it is not the writings of the Apostles he is so much taken up with, as the writing in his account books. Is this man like to profit? You may as soon extract oil and syrup out of a flint, as he any real benefit out of Scripture. 3. Take heed of jesting with Scripture; this is playing with fire. Some cannot be merry unless they make bold with God; when they are sad, they bring forth the Scripture as their harp to drive away the
Pages 19–20